Just a shot to show one of the many barrettes I've started to make for Becca. I have a huge selection already for her. Name a color..she's got it. One of the girls at work liked them so much, she bought a bunch from me for her own daughter...hmmmmm...one more hobby to add to my list.
Becca's very first Dairy Queen treat that was her very own! This was a beautiful day and she was so good all day long, like most days of course, but Tim was just in the mood to spoil her like crazy. She's got him so wrapped around her little finger! Its adorable.
Gaga Steve got out the John Deere tractor for Becca! She's not quite tall enough to use the peddles yet, but she still loved it!
Becca has been doing extremely well with the potty training still. In fact, last night, we went to watch the fireworks for the start of My Waterloo Days, and she held it for about an hour and a half, the whole time telling us that she had to potty. We told her quietly, that this time, it was ok for her to go in her cindarella pull ups, because there wasn't a potty for us to use. (we were at a park without a restroom). But she was concerned about that. So, after a bit of her dancing around and my fear of her regressing if she did it just once...we sat her in the grass behind daddy's chair, and let her pee in the grass. That was an experience for her...I'm sure! Ha!
Tim was able to see Cody yesterday. Every couple of months, Clarinda sends the students from Black Hawk County, up here to meet with their case managers and family...to save the 4 hour trip for us. This was the first time they have brought him up. Tim was able to share the 2 hours with him, along with Carrie, his Grandma Connie and his girlfriend Steph. Cody was in good spirits and happy to see everyone. Tim and I will be going down to see him on Father's Day, June 15th, and to celebrate Cody's 17th bday. We're looking forward to that time together again.
Tim and I are in the beginning stages of planning a homecoming/graduation party for Cody when he returns home late summer early fall. He will be coming home with his GED in hand, so he will not be returning to CF for his senior year! Quite a big deal to graduate early, even with all the school he missed this last year. We are proud of him for that, and don't want him to miss out on the clebrating of such an accomplishment! More dates, details and invites to come!