I've never had so much fun Christmas shopping as I had yesterday!
Wendy and I had lunch and went Christmas shopping. We braved Target and spent at least 2 1/2 of the most wonderful hours ever!
We bought some clothes and toys for my new Foster Niece, as well as coordinating Christmas outfits for all three of our little kids! Figured Cody wouldn't be into matching the munchkins so much! It was a blast! An overflowing shopping cart and 14 target bags later, we decided to make one more trip to Barnes and Noble.
It really was great! I know we both did more than we would normally have done this year, but with a new member of the family, who will basically come with nothing...she needs EVERYTHING. Underware, socks, dress shoes, pajamas, loveys, toys, etc. Sounds like she's been with a couple of foster families, and will be brining very little of her own stuff. What a better time than Christmas!
Wendy and I then stopped to pick up Becca, who joined us for church and then pizza and "paper taping" (present wrapping)- as Becca calls it, at Wendy's house. It was a blast!
Thank you God for blessing our family, and blessing the life of this little girl, who needs a loving place to call home. There's no better place than Wendy's!