Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mid week post

Can't say there is a lot to report on this Tuesday night, but I felt the need to write something. Just babble mostly. So feel free to ignore and move past this post.

tim's trying to figure out the settings on the cameras. trying to use the sports setting is working so hot for us (when trying to capture Becca's fast movements at the gym). The pictures came back too dark. And lightening them with our software makes the image grainy. Not sure what the answer is. But any other setting either catches the movement in a blur, or the shutter speed is not fast enough or too fast, which causes us to miss the shot. So basically...I would love to take a photography class to learn the things I need to know to take better pictures with my digital, and along with that, would love to win the lottery so that I could buy and have someone teach me the basics of Photoshop, so that I can edit my pics once. hmmm...some day.

Anyway. Becca now has her kitchen cabinet that my Grandpa Don bought her in her room. We've had it in the livingroom since we brought it home, but I'm feeling the need to spring clean and organize and get rid of clutter. ie: toys.
So up to her room it went. We'll see how this goes. So far(knock on wood) it hasn't kept her up playing at night! We'll revisit that one in a week or two!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy Saturday, Lazy Sunday.

We started Saturday with only plans to do gymnastics, groceries and come home. However, before we left the house, our schedule had changed to include bowling with Wendy and the kids after gymnastics!

Becca was a little less focused than she had been the last two weeks. She participated better in her warm-ups this time. We were happy to see that. We've been practicing with her at home on her warm ups and stretches, because she has seemed just unsure of it until yesterday.
But then came the stations. I don't think she did bad, however, she was easily distracted by the others her her class. We did notice they worked with her on her headstand more this week. And even worked at going only half-way up with legs extended in a V-shape. I was impressed. Takes a lot of control. She wasn't able to do it on her own, but I wouldn't have expected that. She didn't seem to want to do her cartwheels this week. She did do some, but I think she had her own idea on how to do it. One of the coaches worked with her for a long time. But I think I only saw 4 cartwheels out of her. She continued to do well on the bar and backbends.
So once in the car, we gave a little pep talk, and reminded her that she has to listen to her teachers, just like she does at school and follow their rules. She said, " ok, I listen better when I go again when I'm bigger!" Ha..that kinda cracked us up.

After-wards, we joined Wendy, Xavier and Shalaya at the bowling alley. We were also surprised to find my Dad there also! Mom had a lunch date with friends, so Dad decided to come along for the entertainment. Well...so we thought...by the middle of our first game, Tim and Dad both decided they wanted in on the second games! It was a good time. Something different to do, get out of the house, and get the kids moving a little bit. Becca had her share of excitement and was about 2 hours past nap time when we decided we needed to head home. She was asleep in the car before we were even a mile down the road.

We had also hoped to go the hockey game last night. But poor planning on our part, we didn't call for tickets until yesterday afternoon and there was standing room only left. So we opted against it. I wasn't going to stand for 2 1/2hrs with Becca.

Today though is a different story. We're all being lazy. Tim, Cody and Becca are all napping as I update here. Kinda enjoying the quiet! Well, I had better use this time wisely. I think I'll do some Becca Birthday party planning!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wouldn't it be cool.....?

This weekend was such a blast! Why can't they make a Tivo for life. Replay the funny parts, your favorite parts, the parts that define us?

Friday night was just another night at the house. Nothing big or special, knowing our next two days would be full.
But Saturday, we headed to gymnastics with Becca. We've (Tim and I) decided that Becca's specialty will be the uneven bars. Well, ok, she's only on one bar right now. And its only about 36" off the floor. I thought at first that we were just super impressed and proud of what we saw her doing on the bar, you know...perhpas overly proud parents...BUT THEN...we were stopped on the way out the door by the two coaches that worked with the preschoolers! Sarah said, " has she done this before? " and our answer was , " only last week!" and then Sarah and the other coach talked about how well she did on the bar, and that they showed her some moves that they hadn't shown the other preschoolers that day! Becca was using her own muscle control and was able to do what was asked without much coaching or support at all! We were told that she listened really well and that after being shown once what to do, she was good to be left alone, because she picked it up right away and did her stations correctly! YAY BECCA! We're Sooooooo proud of you!

After nap on Saturday, Wendy took Becca to church with them so that Tim and I could go to my Holiday Party for my department. We had it at The Screaming Eagle here in downtown Waterloo. I had never been there before, but I thought it was pretty cool! I'll definitely go again! I was super glad that Tim got to know some of the other husbands there. Two of them are also fisherman. It made me and my girlfriends giggle when we saw the 3 guys flip open their cell phones and exchange phone numbers! I'm glad though. I think Tim needs to get out more and have more friends. A lot of his closest friends have moved out of town/state. Besides, I'm always wishing we had more "couple" friends as well!

Today, was Girly-Day! Wendy, Shalaya, Grandma, Becca and I spent some time at the mall, bought the girls some jewelry and hair accessories at Claire's and had an ice-cream treat.

After wards, we went back to Wendy's house to paint toenails and fingernails and let the girls play off some of the sugar they had from ice-cream.

What a fun day! On the way home, Becca and I stopped at McDonalds to use her gift card that she received at Christmas from Sherri, Ron and the kids. Perfect ending to a perfect day!

So yes. I want to keep this day and replay it whenever I need a smile!
ps..I tried uploading pics, but for some reason, blogger isn't taking them. I'll try again tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"nastics" newbie!

Becca enjoyed her first Gymnastics session on Saturday! It was so much fun to watch. She was definitely the smallest in the preschool group. We've always thought that with her small size, maybe gymnastics was the place for her to be! In this pic, you can see just how small she is compared to the others.

She caught on pretty quickly to most of the things they were asking her to do. Really...the hardest things for her to grasp were the stretches and warm-ups they did. I'm sure in another session or two, she'll have it down.

Becca rocked on the bar. She didn't hesitate at all. She seemed to know exactly what to do! It just made us smile!
She wore the blue leotard that my Aunt Patti and Uncle Gary gave her at Christmas. Patti is a coach at Cedar Valley Gymnastics Academy where Becca is attending. She can be seen in this picture helping Becca to stick her landing.

I'm sure we stuck out as the "new parents", me with my little camera and Tim with the video camera rolling. I'm so glad we got it though...someday, maybe if Becca is in the olympics, somebody is going to want that footage! Shawn Johnson...here we come!

Monday, January 05, 2009


So imagine yourself in our home tonight....
Myself and Cody watching Two 1/2 Men, Tim on the computer, and Becca coloring on the floor. She comes to me and shows me 3 yellow crayons, wanting me to see that she sorted them. I told her how cool that was, and she headed into see Tim and show him, but she stopped at her pile of crayons on the floor, grabbing 2 more yellow crayons! So then she goes out to Tim and says...

" Daddy look...(she places them on the desk and continues to point them out) UNO, DOS, TRES, QUATRO, CINCO! "

Cody and I stop with jaws dropping to the floor, and Tim says " WHOA! Did you hear that? "

We all started laughing in amazement..we had never heard her count in spanish before, especially without being prompted to repeat one of us!

Wow...what a little sponge. Guess we'll start working on german next? ha!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Party Town!!!! ( Yeah Yeah)

We decided at the last minute to make a family trip to the BlackHawks game tonight! They had seats available and we all needed some time out of the house doing something fun together!
Cody wasn't so sure he wanted to go, but gave in and joined us. We are sooo glad that he did. Tim filled him in on some of the finer points of hockey. Cody got into it a little more than I think he expected to! But it was great. He had fun and we loved that the both the kids were with us.

This was Becca's first hockey game! I was a little nervous about the noise level scaring her, but she was just fine! She had a good time. The first period she was a little quiet and just observed. However, by the time the second period started, and we gave her some snacks (popcorn, fruit treats, and daddy even tried some cotton candy) she was ready to let loose a bit! She denied the cotton candy (thanks goodness)...but loved the popcorn and juice! Daddy was spoiling to make sure she had a good experience and had fun.

With such a last minute decision to go, we left without grabing my camera! DANG IT! I am so bummed we didn't get some pictures.

The first thing she did when we got back home..is that she told Auggie " Hiiii Auggie! I went to a Hockey Game! I go there again all the time!"

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Go Hawks!

Oh yeah...and Happy New Year!
We're off to my sister's house to let the kids play while we watch the game. Good excuse for food is what Wendy says! lol....like we haven't had enough this holiday season!